Second Helpings is a project run in partnership with Stamford Methodist Church and the whole community. Based in the heart of Stamford, our volunteers work with local suppliers and supermarkets to redistribute surplus food nearing its best before date to the community. Our aim is to ‘feed bellies not bins’ and we are passionate about reducing food waste and working with the community to reduce our environmental impact.
Our Saturday Café has now reopened. Please join us from 12 noon every Saturday at the Stamford Methodist Church Hall for a delicious 3 course meal.
Second Helpings pantry and Community Fridge are located in the passageway under the church, between Barn Hill and North Street.
The Community Fridge is open Mon-Sat 8:00am-8:00pm. Please use the hand sanitizer provided and only touch what you plan to take.
Updated Pantry Openings Times from April 2024:
- Sunday: Closed
- Monday: Closed
- Tuesday: 10.30am – 1.00pm
- Wednesday: 10.30pm – 1.00pm
- Thursday: 10.30am – 1.00pm
- Friday: 10.30am – 1.00pm
- Saturday: 10.30am – 2.00pm
With the lifting of Covid-19 legislation we would like to make you aware of our guidelines to keep volunteers and customers safe:
- Face coverings must be worn by volunteers and customers (unless medically exempt)
- We are now self-serve (please use the hand sanitizers provided and touch only what you are taking)
- One customer/household in the bunker at a time
If you have any questions our team of volunteers will be on hand to direct you. Pay-As-You-Feel is dear to our heart so we invite customers to donate what they feel they can for what they take. This can be excess fruit and veg grown in your allotment/garden, your time as a volunteer, a cash donation or a GoFundMe donation. If donating in the bunker please look out for the red post box. We look forward to seeing you soon.