Second Helpings
Established in 2015, Second Helpings, Stamford, aims to reduce food waste by using food gifted from local sources that would otherwise go to landfill. Both our café and shop are run by volunteers on a Pay-as-you-Feel basis, serving the needs of local people from all walks of life regardless of the ability to pay.
Part of the national Real Junk Food Project, Second Helpings has grown rapidly, always focused on stopping society’s surplus food from going to waste. The Saturday lunchtime café in Barn Hill, Stamford, now feeds around 100 people per week, providing an inclusive environment where people come together to eat, chat and make friends. Every mouth fed results in less landfill. There’s one key objective: “Feed Bellies not Bins”.
The Real Junk Food Project
We are a global, organic network of Pay-As-You-Feel concepts. We divert surplus edible food destined for waste and make it accessible for human consumption.
We believe it is a human right to have access to food and the scale and senselessness of food waste has to stop. We believe this needs to happen in our lifetime, to ensure that the next generation do not suffer because of our ignorance.
The Real Junk Food Project is a network of projects, charities and volunteers, steered and advised by our trustees and other experts and activists from a range of fields and industries.
Adam Smith set up the visionary, multi-award-winning, global initiative The Real Junk Food Project in December 2013, to revolutionise the disposal of avoidable food waste into landfill. The pioneering movement’s manifesto is to: feed bellies, not bins.